Malaria parasite prevalence data will be assembled from nationally-sampled household-level surveys from DHS and MIS. Different demographic and socioeconomic variables at child-level and household-level will be extracted from the same surveys. In addition, the Information for Malaria Project (INFORM) database will be consulted for any additional data on specific cities (e.g. Dakar). INFORM has assembled all available community based survey data on malaria infection prevalence from published and unpublished sources. Data will be extracted for the period 2005-2015. Based on the data available, the choice of cities selected as case studies can be refined.


The database will be managed by the RDBMS PostgreSQL that comes with a spatial extension called PostGIS, allowing for the storage and handling of spatial objects. PostGIS is compliant with OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards and is therefore compatible with a wide range of systems; it is open-sourced and free, as is PostgreSQL. The database will be updated with newly available survey data and possibly also with census data.